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American Dream

Sabato 29 Giugno 2024 - Ore 20:00, Piazza del Castello

An idea of America, by those who have dreamt it, recounted and loved it
Nahars Piano Trio

Biancamaria Rapaccini violin
Alessandra Montani cello
Irene Franceschini piano
A. DVORAK (1841-1904) dal Piano Trio op. 90 Dumky
Lento maestoso, Allegro quasi doppio movimento

A. BEACH (1867-1944) Trio op. 150
Allegro, Lento espressivo, Presto, Allegro con brio

G. GERSWIN (1898-1937) / M. PONTINI (1964) Porgy’s Best
Concert Fantasy da “Porgy and Bess”

P. GRAINGER (1882-1961) Händel in the Strand


Nahars Piano Trio


Nahars is the original name of all three musician’s city of origin: Terni. They also have much more in common. They first got together in 1995 and right from the outset have always been inspired by a strong affinity of artistic-musical intent. Over the years the trio has received acclaim in international competitions, furthering its abilities at the Imola Academy. It has played for top concert associations, also presenting first-ever performances by contemporary composers including Silvia Colasanti, Enrico Marocchini, Guido Baggiani, and Antonio D’Antò. After taking a break for a few years they have since reunited, playing together with an ever greater love for chamber music, reinforced by their deep friendship, successful individual artistic experiences (Biancamaria and Alessandra played in the Rome Quartet for 15 years), performing in Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, the United States and Japan, with a commitment to educational activities and last but not least, a shared conviction of the inestimable richness of music.